Guilt is not repentance; it is merely distress that your fault was caught.
Guilt creates distress, and in that distress you are moved to repent. Repentance exposes the fault so it may be healed— not condemned by it.
Many struggle with repentance. It is odd that people who are obviously in pain and struggling with their sins try to bury and repress their desire to be healed. They rather deny their emotions and shame instead of exposing it to Jesus so He can heal it.
Many live in a fantasy thinking that if they repress and bury their guilt, their problems and pains will go away. Not only is this true in physical illnesses, but also spiritually. Sadly, many people expose their sin only after they have been completely disgraced.
Denying the physical pain only to realize later that if we had dealt with the pain sooner, it would have been easier to heal. Similarly when we deal with our shame and guilt directly, it is much easier to heal.
St. Paul tells us not to let the sun go down on our anger. In other words, deal immediately with what is wrong rather than wait until it has taken root and worsens.
Peter was a sinful man, but Jesus came to heal him of his hurt, pain, and brokenness. But first, Jesus exposes Peter’s emptiness and loneliness as he struggled to run a business that was demanding and at times unprofitable.
Jesus invites him to follow and be fulfilled, doing God’s will — not fighting God’s ways.
The lesson we learn from Peter repenting is that, as he was tormented by his thoughts, Jesus does not abandon, but embraces him. Completely vulnerable and ashamed, Jesus affirms Him with forgiveness.
So too with us, when we are completely vulnerable and ashamed, guilty of sin; Jesus comes to heal—not condemn. But we have to trust Him as did Peter. That is hard when our sins seem so grievous.
Exposing our guilt, going to confession, is the first step in healing. Once forgiven, find the cause for the sin. Many times, the cause of our sins are deep unhealed wounds that fester causing our sinful behaviors. Finally, commit and follow the call of Christ, Who takes you through the pains of life, giving you his strength to overcome all things.