Ushers greet people attending Mass, usher them to an open pew and coordinate the collection during the offertory.
Lectors must love the Scriptures and be competent lectors to effectively proclaim God’s word, the word of salvation for all people. Through the process of preparing for the Masses, the lectors will gain a better understanding of the word of God.
Altar servers
Altar servers assist the presider at weekend and holy day Masses. They are ministers who place themselves in the service of the Eucharist. It requires a basic understanding of the Mass and the common prayers included within the Mass. Altar servers are expected to serve at least 1 or 2 times a month including time before Mass to set up and time after Mass to clean up, but are scheduled according to the server’s availability. This ministry can also include serving at special events such as weddings and funerals on a volunteer basis.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
As an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, or EMHC, lay people can serve the Catholic Church by distributing Holy Communion during Mass or to the sick or homebound at institutions or in homes. An EMHC must be a fully initiated member of the Church (having received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation). Eucharistic Ministers serve the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass or Communion Services. This ministry is extremely spiritual and personally fulfilling.