Giving of gifts is powerful. It brings joy to both the giver and the one gifted. Epiphany reveals the greatest gift that we have ever received: God Himself. No greater gift can be given than the gift of a child; but the gift of this Child is different. He is the divine Child. He gives us the gift of Himself. In this light, all children image the divine for they remind us of the gift of the Christ-Child Who gives Himself to us on the cross.
Jesus gives not only Himself to us as revealed by the Epiphany — the Revelation that Jesus is the Messiah; but gives us the greatest gift: Divine Love.
He so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son!
The great revelation of the Magi, Wisemen, who were traders in gold, frankincense, and myrrh, reveals this incredible mystery of God.
The Wisemen exchange their gifts with the Messiah because they received the Wisdom of God as they followed the star. In exchange, Jesus gives back to them his very Self. This wonderful exchange prompts us to give back to God, something that He has given to us.
This is the secret of Christianity.
God gifts us everything we need for our salvation. God’s Grace asks us to give Him a gift in return. Give Him Thanks: the Eucharist. Thanksgiving is our gift of self back to Him. In giving of our self to Him, we receive Him all the more: godliness.
“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” (2 Pt 1:3):
By his power, He destroys the evil in this world and in so doing, He restores us, recreating us into his image.
Instead of using military might and earthly wealth, Jesus comes revealing the wisdom of God, his glory.
The glory of God is Jesus fully alive our hearts. The Eucharist is God’s glory and is our ultimate gift. We are invited to receive this gift, but to receive it worthily and honorably we have to recognize what we receive.
The Magi understood Who this Child is. He is not just an new baby born in Bethlehem, but He is the fulfillment of the prophecy: (Mc 5:2)
And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah,
are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
since from you shall come a ruler,
who is to shepherd my people Israel.”
Jesus, the Divine Shepherd furtively comes because the evil one, Satan, seeks to destroy Him. Satan uses Herod, the bad shepherd, to destroy Jesus. Yet, the Magi protect Him and give their gifts, the symbols of Herod’s worldly power.
In giving up their gold: earthly treasure; frankincense: earthly pleasure; and myrrh: human power, the Magi submit to the Divine power; and in so doing, are freed from the deception of Herod and his earthly power. They see the divine gift of Jesus, His real presence.
Jesus Christ, the Messiah conquers giving us Himself in the Eucharist, so we may have new life in a new kingdom — his Divine kingdom !
May we see God’s real presence in the Eucharist , the Bread of angels that feeds us with heavenly treasures: love, joy, and peace.